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6-Week Transformation Challenge

Welcome on board the Get Fit Today 6-week workout plan!


We're really excited that you've chosen us to help you achieve your health & fitness goals.  

If you put in the effort during the next 6-weeks, you will find that you can achieve some really amazing results.  Some of our previous clients have recorded up to 1.5 stone weight loss (9kg), reducing their waist measurements by 10cm and the hips by 7cm as well as increasing their strength on almost all exercises.

This plan is a starter program that almost anyone can use. You don’t need access to any weights and you don’t need a gym membership - but you do need some self-motivation, dedication and patience.

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It doesn't happen overnight though and you will need to change some of your lifestyle habits, but that's probably why you're already reading this! 😀

Just below, you will see STEPS 1-5 which you need to do either today or tomorrow in order to get things set up, and then below that you will find a timetable and plan per week for the next 6-weeks.

Let's get started shall we?


The first thing you need to do is to download the e-Book that accompanies this course, where you will find everything you need to know about the content and course structure.

Here is the link to do so.

STEPS 2 & 3


The first thing to do on all of our online courses is to complete a health check to record where you are today and compare again in a few weeks



Goal setting is really important and as such, it's vital to be honest with yourself too.  Don't skip this step - you will regret it later if you do.

STEPS 4 & 5


Taking a photo of yourself today and at the end of the course is a great way to recognise your achievements and be proud!



Keeping an accurate food diary is absolutely essential for anyone looking to lose weight and get fit.


Every week we are going to give you some tasks.  Some will be exercise and activity based, some will be nutrition and some will be about positive mindset and goal planning.

We won't tell you what day to complete these, as everyone has different commitments and our lifestyles vary considerably.  The important thing though is that you complete each of the tasks set before the end of the week.

Week 1 Focus

Week 1 is all about getting set up and starting to form healthy habits.  

Initially, you need to complete your health checks, take a 'before' photo, note down your health & fitness goals for this course and start to record your food diary using My Fitness Pal.  Everything you need to get started on this is listed above. 

At the end of every week, we need you to weigh yourself and submit your results using this form.  When you do so, please try to wear the same clothes each time, weigh at the same time of the day and ideally just after waking up, after you have had a wee but before breakfast.



For week 1, your task is to complete 150 minutes of exercise or activity.  It doesn't matter whether this is walking, jogging, running, swimming, cycling or fitness bootcamps as long as you achieve 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity.


If you attend HIIT or spin classes, then you can aim for 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise instead.


At the bottom of this page you will see some exercise videos you can watch and follow from home if you wish.  These include high intensity interval training, upper body, lower body and core workouts.  Each one lasts around 20-25 minutes so if you include 2 of these during the week and complete the walks detailed below, you will smash the 150 minutes easily.

We also encourage you to go out for 2-3 walks every week, and here is this weeks plans.  A 'steady' walk is not a stroll, it's an low effort pace which is enough to get you slightly out of breath after 10 minutes.

  • 2 x 30-minute steady walks

  • 1 x 40-minute steady walk


During week 1, we want you to simply get into the habit of keeping a food diary.

This needs to be accurate though, so to help you do this we recommend downloading My Fitness Pal which is an excellent FREE App that allows you to search hundreds of thousands of food and drinks or simply scan the bar code instead.

Make sure to read the eBook above about the importance of keeping an accurate food diary.

It's really important to make sure it is kept up-to-date at the time you are eating rather than at the end of the day.  Make sure you weigh your foods and include sauces, gravy and things like butter on bread or sugar in hot drinks.


Click on the links below to download the E-Books we want you to read this week, including:


My Fitness Pal






Here are the videos we want you to watch this week:

  • Setting Realistic Goals

  • The Weight Loss Journey

  • Lower Body Workout

  • Upper Body Workout

Setting Realistic Goals

Setting Realistic Goals

Play Video
The Weight Loss Journey

The Weight Loss Journey

Play Video
Lower Body PT 5

Lower Body PT 5

Play Video
Upper Body PT 7 (1)

Upper Body PT 7 (1)

Play Video




Here is the plan of everything for the next 6-weeks including the weekly workouts, the walks, the videos we need you to watch to stay on track with the course content and of course the invaluable rest days!

You don't need to stick to this rigidly, if it doesn't work around your lifestyle or homelife.  Each week you will be given the links to all of the videos, e-Books and workouts and can plan to do them on a day that suits.

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