3-Month Fitness & Nutrition Course
Week 11
It's week 11 of our 3-month course so time to start thinking about the future and how you plan to continue with your healthy eating and exercise long after this course finished.
This week we are going to look into how you can some simple and healthy food swaps to improve the quality of the food you are eating without taking away the taste.
We have a fantastic challenge for you this week - the BLEEP TEST SIT-UP CHALLENGE! It's a cracker, you simply follow the video and do as many sit-ups as you can between every BEEP! Give it a try.
We have a few articles for you to read around over training, how some food and exercise can effect your gut and how to change your mindset when it comes to making healthy choices and habits. All good stuff to read through to help you in the future.
We continue to reduce our activity levels slightly this week down to 165 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 80 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise, but this is entirely optional. We are gradually adjusting things back to the normal level for the end of the course so you can sustain your new healthy lifestyle for longer.
Let's get started!
Week 11 Tasks
Making a few small changes to what you eat and drink is a simple way to help you along your weight loss journey. Changing just a few eating habits can make a big difference overall.
This is a sit-up challenge that works long the same lines as the 'popular' bleep test. Every time you hear the bleep, you try to complete as many sit-ups as possible.
You then rest for 10 seconds and repeat until you can't do any more.
Health & Fitness Articles
Many people experience some gut-related symptoms like abdominal discomfort or diarrhea due to changes in their emotions. Is that by chance?
Or maybe there is an actual connection between the gut and the brain?
Well, recent studies confirmed a connection between GI function and emotions. But is this a brand-new science?
Achieving optimal fitness is a journey that requires dedication, hard work, and persistence. But it's also essential to find the right balance between exercise and recovery in order to avoid the negative consequences of overtraining.
In this guide, we're going to help you recognize the signs and symptoms, and offer guidance on overcoming and avoiding this common challenge in your pursuit of fitness and wellness
It has been said that the greatest power that a human being has is the power to change their own mind. If we have a negative mindset, then we will likely experience a lot of negativity in our lives. However, if we have a positive mindset, then we will likely experience more positive events.
In this ebook, we will discuss why changing your mindset matters and how you can go about changing your thought patterns for the better!
Addressing Negative Self-Talk
Avoiding Extremes
Month 3 Workouts
The following 4 video workouts are also available on the Get Fit Today App, in the 'Workouts' tab.
These are optional workouts if you can't attend one of our sessions in the park, or if you're feeling really enthusiastic - in addition to our sessions.
These are all High Intensity Interval Training workouts which means they are shorter workouts but can really burn a lot of calories if you give it 100% effort.
HIIT Workout 1
HIIT Workout 2
HIIT Workout 3
HIIT Workout 4
Week 11 sees our activity goals drop to 165 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 80 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise.
Moderate Intensity
brisk walking
water aerobics
riding a bike
pushing a lawn mower
Vigorous Intensity
jogging or running
swimming fast
cycling fast or on hills
singles tennis