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3-Month Fitness & Nutrition Course
Week 9

Week 9 means we are into the final month of this course.  As we done earlier in the course, now is another chance to spend a few moments and look back on what you have achieved so far:

1.  How are you feeling generally about your progress over the past 8 weeks?

2.  How do you feel in your clothes now?

3.  Do you have more energy than 3 months ago?

4.  Are you more active?

5.  Have your eating habits changed?

This course is not only about weight loss, but also about creating long lasting healthy habits and we're hoping that by now, if you have been reading all of the weekly e-books, watching the videos and following the exercise and nutrition plan you should have an entirely new outlook on how you live.  

This week we are going to focus a little more on healthy eating, starting with learning how to read a food label and the importance of getting your 5-a-day!  This is so important when it comes to overall health and nutrition - more on that below

Task 1

We are sticking to 210 minutes of exercise this week - don't forget it needs to be moderate intensity, so something that gets you out of breath!  Over the next few weeks, we will be reducing this slowly back to the normal levels of 150 minutes (but not quite yet!)

Task 2

I want you to have a think about where you started, where you are now and where you want to be in a months time and set yourself a NEW end of course goal, and send this to me on WhatsApp.

Task 3

Finally, your calories and macros have been set for the next few weeks so try to stick to them too.

Week 9 Tasks

food label.png


Food labels can be confusing, especially if you don't know what you're looking for.

Fortunately, with a little bit of effort you can learn to read them quite quickly, and with the addition of the (fairly) recent traffic light labelling system they are sometimes even easier.

Read this short guide on how to understand food labels so you can start making healthy choices in the supermarket.



Fruit and vegetables are a great source of vitamins, minerals and fibre, and an important part of a balanced diet for kids and adults.

Eating plenty of fruit and veg helps keep us healthy, and may reduce the risk of disease and some cancers.

As of this week, we want you to try to include 5-a-day into your food diary, so have a read of our guide below to find out what counts and what doesn't and how big 1 portion of '5-a-day' really is!

Health & Fitness Articles


When it comes to the human body, health is its ultimate end goal, as it strives to achieve homeostasis (inner balance).


Improving your health is about treating your community of cells right and nurturing it, through habits and environments.


I’m sure it’s safe to say we’d all like to stay young forever or, at the very least, much longer than we do.


We’d all like our bodies to be in tip-top condition, our skin smooth and soft, and our minds sharp and fast for as long as possible. But what can the science behind aging tell us about how we age and how to do so gracefully?


Another gorgeous meal suggestion for you to try.

Omelette Wraps

237 Calories

15gb Fats

3g Carbs

20g Protein ---- 😁


The Role of Motivation

The Role of Motivation

Play Video
The Role of Discipline

The Role of Discipline

Play Video

Month 3 Workouts

The following 4 video workouts are also available on the Get Fit Today App, in the 'Workouts' tab.

These are optional workouts if you can't attend one of our sessions in the park, or if you're feeling really enthusiastic - in addition to our sessions.

These are all High Intensity Interval Training workouts which means they are shorter workouts but can really burn a lot of calories if you give it 100% effort.

HIIT Workout 1

HIIT Workout 1

Play Video
HIIT Workout 2

HIIT Workout 2

Play Video
HIIT Workout 3

HIIT Workout 3

Play Video
HIIT Workout 4

HIIT Workout 4

Play Video


This is our final week of trying to hit 210 minutes of exercise before we start to reduce things back to normal for the end of the course.  

Week 9 is 210 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 100 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise.

Moderate Intensity

  • brisk walking

  • water aerobics

  • riding a bike

  • dancing

  • pushing a lawn mower

  • hiking

Vigorous Intensity

  • jogging or running

  • swimming fast

  • cycling fast or on hills

  • singles tennis

  • football

  • aerobics

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