3-Month Fitness & Nutrition Course
Week 5
In week 5, you get to take a rest from recording your meals using My Fitness Pal. Just eat as you have been and enjoy your meals, but don't worry about recording them. The reason for this is that this course will hopefully teach you about what and when to eat, how much and why certain foods are better for you than others.
What we don't want you to do however is to continue to record your meals every day for the rest of your life, so from here on we are going to take the occasional break from doing so. You should have a good idea about what foods you can eat, how much and when to eat them so let's see how you get on.
Don't worry - next week, we will be right back on it again! 😁
There are a few new tasks starting this week, including:
Drink a glass of cold water just before eating all of your meals. (cold water has the benefit of increasing your metabolism and also assisting with weight loss too!)
Post every morning before 9am what your fitness plans are for the week ahead.
Stop recording your food diary for this week only, but plan next weeks food diary instead.
Do a weigh-in on Friday using the CHECKLIST link below
Good luck.
Week 5 Tasks

When did you last eat in a local pub offering "two for one" deals? You know the type, huge menu of choices with all the pub favourites, generally for less than a tenner each.
Have you noticed how the portion sizes are getting bigger? They have increased by almost 40% in the last 10yrs, but because it's such a great offer and we're out enjoying ourselves, it's very easy to over-indulge.
Read on to find out how big your portions should be and much more...

Albeit this week we are taking a rest from recording our food and drink, it doesn't mean we're relaxing completely - there's plenty to do.
What we want you to do using My Fitness Pal is to plan your meals for next week. You know what your schedule looks like and you know what you enjoy, so log onto My Fitness Pal and start planning your week.
Include your breakfasts, lunch, dinner and snacks and also have a think about what exercise you are going to do every day too
Health & Fitness Articles
Weight training has been the object of attention ever since the early 20th century and has become recognized for its ability to change the body inside and out.
It's definitely something you need to know about if you want to achieve weight loss
For years, medical experts have observed and confirmed that residents of Mediterranean countries have much lower cases of obesity, cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases compared to others in the world. Scientists have now traced this phenomenon to their diet difference
Before you ask, no - this is not a challenge to make a cup of tea or coffee - albeit it is linked.
On average it takes 3 minutes for a kettle to boil - this challenge will help you fill that time well.... 😁

The Weight Loss Journey

Types Of Training
Month 2 Workouts
The following 4 video workouts are also available on the Get Fit Today App, in the 'Workouts' tab.
These are optional workouts if you can't attend one of our sessions in the park, or if you're feeling really enthusiastic - in addition to our sessions.
These are all High Intensity Interval Training workouts which means they are shorter workouts but can really burn a lot of calories if you give it 100% effort.

Lower Body PT 5

Core workout PT 6 (1)

Upper Body PT 7 (1)

HIIT Workout PT 8
Another week of 3hrs (180 minutes) of moderate intensity exercise or 90 minutes of vigorous intensity . This can be a mixture of walking, jogging, swimming, fitness classes and online workouts. Thirty minutes exercise every day is perfect.
Try to mix things up when you can, and include a variety of different exercises to keep things varied and enjoyable. If you 'love' running, then try to mix up your runs so one is a long, slow and steady run, another includes some intervals and another is a short, fast run. This will not only make it interesting but is also a great way to train for strength and endurance.