3- month Fitness & Nutrition Course
Week 8
As we creep towards the end of our second month together, the first thing to do is to make sure that you have completed everything from last week.
Reading the e-books and watching the videos might not seem like an important aspect of weight loss but it's important to remember that this course isn't just about doing more and eating less, it's also about educating yourself as to why you are doing this, what effect it has on your body and giving you the information you need to make healthy choices in the future.
Click on the CHECK LIST link below to make sure you have done everything from week 7.
Last week you should have re-taken your fitness test and health checks, and if you've been following this plan you should have found that you have made some great improvements on both. There is still another month to go, so let's keep the effort and motivation levels high and see what further improvements you can make.
This week we are also going to look at the Macro content of your meals. If you watched the videos from week 6, you will have an understanding around this already. For weight loss, protein is king, so we are going to adjust your macros to aim towards protein making up around 40% of your daily intake. More on that below.
There is another fitness challenge this week called "The 100-Rep Press-Up Challenge". Don't be put off by the title, it's definitely achievable. More details below, but basically you spread the reps over each day.
We're also giving you 50 high-protein recipes to look at, download and keep forever to help you achieve the 40% protein target.
Finally for this week, we want you to post into our WhatsApp group every morning before 9am what your fitness plans are for the day ahead. Not only, is this is a great way to motivate you into staying active, it will also help to keep you accountable - this starts tomorrow!
There's lots to do, so let's get started!
Week 8 Tasks
When it comes to weight loss, protein certainly is the King of Macronutrients.
A high protein intake boosts metabolism, reduces appetite and changes several weight-regulating hormones
Protein can help you lose weight and belly fat, and it works via several different mechanisms
This article will not only convince you of the benefits that a high protein diet will have on your weight loss, but we will also show you how to adjust your macro balance on My Fitness Pal so we can keep a track of it.
Click below to read more, and get ready to be convinced...
This challenge is a 5-day challenge. Basically, you complete 10 sets of 10 press-ups every day for 5 days.
EG. Monday - do 10 press-ups at 9am, 10am, 11am, 12pm etc etc through to 6pm. Then you do the same every day until Friday.
You don't have to start at 9am, whatever time suits you, but try to stick to 10 press-ups every hour on the hour. If for some reason, this isn't possible, you may have to do 20 press-ups every 2 hours.
This is a strength challenge so please stick to press-ups
Health & Fitness Articles
Increasing muscle mass can be great for weight loss, but the majority of people don't want to be ripped.
However, as you lose weight on this course, and you are also incorporating some strength workouts into your weekly regime, you will start to feel more toned too.
Click below to learn about building muscle mass.
Have you ever wondered why some people can seemingly eat whatever they want and not gain a pound while others seem to gain weight just by looking at food?
In this guide, we'll walk you through the basics of how your body stores and burns fat, and provide tips for losing weight and keeping it off. So if you're confused by the myriad of contradicting information on the internet, click below.
This week is all about PROTEIN, so we thought it would be useful to give you a selection of high-protein meals to choose from if you wish.
In the document below, you will get 50 high-protein recipes, a meal planner, a shopping list, a recipe guide to follow and a breakdown of the calories and macros of each meal.
Rest Times
Setting Realistic Goals
Month 2 Workouts
The following 4 video workouts are also available on the Get Fit Today App, in the 'Workouts' tab.
These are optional workouts if you can't attend one of our sessions in the park, or if you're feeling really enthusiastic - in addition to our sessions.
These are all High Intensity Interval Training workouts which means they are shorter workouts but can really burn a lot of calories if you give it 100% effort.
Lower Body PT 5
Core workout PT 6 (1)
Upper Body PT 7 (1)
HIIT Workout PT 8
A second week of trying to hit 3hrs of moderate intensity exercise every week (210 minutes). This can be a mixture of walking, jogging, swimming, fitness classes and online workouts. Thirty minutes exercise every day is perfect.
Try to mix things up when you can, and include a variety of different exercises to keep things varied and enjoyable. If you 'love' running, then try to mix up your runs so one is a long, slow and steady run, another includes some intervals and another is a short, fast run. This will not only make it interesting but is also a great way to train for strength and endurance.