Tatum joined us in August 2022, and it has transformed her life - not mentioned helped her lose over 1.5 stone!

This photo was taken in August 2023, a year after Tatum joined Get Fit Today - and just look at the difference!
Tatum confesses that she wasn't an active child at all and didn't get involved in any sports when she was growing up. Her friend introduced her to Get Fit Today just before COVID struck the UK and unfortunately, during lock-down Tatum says that she became lazy and put on a lot of weight. "I think in lock-down, as I wasn't going to work I just lost motivation to do anything, even cooking! I couldn't be bothered so instead I would get a takeaway"
In August 2022 Tatum went away on holiday but wasn't happy with how she felt. "When I came back from my holiday I just wasn't confident or comfortable with myself at all. I decided one day at work to join up with Get Fit Today and go to the session that night."
Since February Tatum has really focused on her diet and has even joined our Run Club which takes place every Sunday morning. Tatum told us once that she used to drive past joggers and wonder why on earth they were out jogging - and now she gets up early on a Sunday to do that very thing! 😀
"Joining the run club has helped me massively. My next goal is to be able to either run further than 10k or beat my PB (personal best) of 1 hour 13."
Prior to joining Get Fit Today, Tatum was a member of a gym but only really used to use the treadmill as she was to scared to go on anything else. She did have a personal trainer at the gym for a few months but it became really expensive. "When I decided to give Get Fit Today a try, I was quite nervous coming to my first session . I remember sitting in my car thinking about going home but as soon as I went over to the group everyone was so friendly and welcoming"

"I knew that exercise alone wasn't going to be enough for me to achieve my weight loss targets - I knew I had to watch my diet too. I started tracking my calories and although I still have takeaways and treats, I just do so now in moderation". It's clearly working looking at the picture above!

In July this year, Tatum signed up and completed the Race for Life with some friends raising £110 for Cancer Research. She was really pleased to be able to run the distance comfortably thanks to our Run Club training.
"I feel so good once I've finished a session or Run Club, and albeit sometimes I still think 'I can't be bothered to go' - but I know that afterwards I'll be so glad that I did."
Since joining Get Fit Today, Tatum has not only lost 1.5 stone in unwanted body fat, but she has toned up, become healthier, fitter and stronger than ever before. She is feeling much more confident now and is comfortable in her clothes again.
"I would say to anyone who is thinking about joining Get Fit Today or is reading this and feeling motivated, to come along for a free trial session - you honestly will love and enjoy it so much and wish you had joined sooner" 😀
You've heard it here! Come and try a FREE class with us and if you're looking to lose some weight, in a few months time we might be writing YOUR blog!
