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Pete Gill
Jun 6, 20215 min read
Post-Lockdown Fitness
Returning to fitness after lockdown can be difficult, read on to see how Get Fit Today can help you.....
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Pete Gill
May 16, 20202 min read
Burpee.......and breathe!
Do 1 burpee and then breathe fully in and out once. Do 2 burpees and then breathe twice and keep going until you can’t carry on...😀
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Pete Gill
May 12, 20201 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 10 - Lunchtime Blast!
A 10-minute workout you can fit into your lunchtime with no equipment needed! Give it a try and see what you think
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Pete Gill
May 8, 20203 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 9 - Tap it out!
10 Chest-taps and a press-up. Sound easy? Give our Isolation mini-workout a try and then let us know how easy it actually is...😀
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Pete Gill
May 2, 20202 min read
10 minute “butt” workout 😂😂
For a strong butt, back and thighs, this workout is for you! Kim Kardashian, eat your heart out!
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Pete Gill
May 1, 20202 min read
10 minute ABS blast
Only got 10 minutes to spare but want that beach body ready for the summer? Look no further....
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Pete Gill
Apr 28, 20202 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 8 - Countdown
Countdown reps from 10-1 might sound simple, but add a couple of twists and suddenly not so...
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Pete Gill
Apr 25, 20201 min read
Fun Fitness Quiz
Try our fun 10 question fitness quiz and find out if you're a fitness superhero or not...!
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Pete Gill
Apr 17, 20201 min read
Isolation Mini-workout 7 - The See-Saw
Another simple workout for you To try and then replicate yourself. A see-saw work out involves any two exercises you want
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Pete Gill
Apr 14, 20201 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 6 - EMOM!
5 exercises, on the minute, every minute with rest in between. How many minutes can you do?
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Pete Gill
Apr 11, 20202 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 5 - AMRAP
AMRAP is As Many Reps As Possible. 3 exercises repeated 3 times. What’s your best AMRAP score?
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Pete Gill
Apr 10, 20201 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 4 - The Ladder
7 reps of 7 different exercises thirteen times over making a total of 343 reps! Can you do it?
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Pete Gill
Mar 31, 20205 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 3
An 'abs-olutely' great mini-workout for you today to tone those tummy muscles and get your beach body ready for the summer!
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Pete Gill
Mar 28, 20204 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 2
Want to keep active, fit and healthy during the national isolation period? Look no further....
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Pete Gill
Mar 27, 20204 min read
Isolation Mini-Workout 1
Try out our at-home leg work out and see how you get on. Climbing the stairs at home will never feel the same again...
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